Segregate the Creative Experiment:
New insight brings fresh approach and these bright, new, optimistic vantage points can offer the potential for growth. It is tempting to ride these up draughts of inspiration and discard the work-in-progress with some renewed approach. It is tempting to re-work old material in the direction of fresh inspiration but this can prove problematic if the development of the manuscript does not realize.
Creative energy, like flowing water seeps and permeates and a resolve to discard what we might suspect as falling below expectation can be carried away on the impulsive nature of this energizing force. Experiment carefully and not in the spirit of shame or tyranny. The ruthlessness of a poised will is apt to desire a clear cut space to continue but often, re-visiting material we have deemed unsatisfactory might yield to later inspection.
Keep new direction and ideas apart, at least initially from what has already been recorded. A writer’s ego is fickle.
Connect Particulars:
Within the heady currents of activated writing, there is a powerful desire to ride the momentum of emerging experience. It is exhilarating to write from the engaged imagination but caution must be considered when roaring past details we are shown within this process, delaying the incorporation of these particulars to a later stage in editing. It is assured the original vantage point of a work-in-progress will shift and it is equally likely that with that shift, essential details will become lost.
Carefully take the time to consider how these unique aspects of a story are expected to connect. Creative introspection, within the rush of creation will always yield a richer insight for it is within these nuanced details that the fine craftsmanship will be earned.
Balancing the temptation to become obsessed with minutiae should be considered; this is a focus too close to the mundane yet skidding over questions of relevance and integrated application should be connected within the act of initial creation.
Work carefully; record mindfully. Structure the writing schedule to allow for even and balanced sessions. Pace is essential and relief lies in dosage.
Do not force the river.
Divide Tasks:
Unrealistic ambition can crush a writer’s resolve. The conscious mind has great challenges placed upon the lens of it’s capabilities and relying solely on the intuition to guide this transference will likely result in outcomes being less than what they might be if we were to assist with a clear and coherent structure.
Retracting the conscious part of the writer’s mind, up towards the executive functioning compartment will enable the engaged writer to progress selectively and if possible, comprehensively. Above all else: a working writer strives for measured evenness in the day-to-day work and shifting focus to different requirements pertinent to the creation of a lucid manuscript will be beneficial to this harmony. Growth in technique and endurance will follow.
Adhere to a Timeline:
Arguably, one of the more obstinate challenges of regular writing is simply arranging the time to sit down to get into the matter at hand. This is precious opportunity and being such should be carefully guarded to allow for the many stations of writing a book.
Design compassionately the schedule you believe possible and then defend this plan by adhering to it’s indications. In this way, anxiety which arises from encroaching demands not connected to the act of the creative work can be minimized; overall coherence is productive.
The phasmagoria of a working imagination is unique and dependant on the conscious will recording the lyricism of emerging image and symbol. This is the creative gold and as the writer hits upon the more expansive and mystical moments in this labour unique of creation, this expansion should be fulfilled as it occurs. The alchemy will not be repeated in the same rapture of lucid engagement.
The working writer struggles for constant flow; it is damn hard work to write well. Take moments within scheduled writing sessions to refresh the taxed mind. The clarity afforded by a gentle process will ensure strong endurance and allow for the inter-locking mechanisms of creative writing to refresh.
Avoid excessive re-reading. Do something else, briefly-yet-mindfully that is not part of the intimate exchange. The respect we lend towards our own emerging creative vision will pay dividends of renewed enthusiasm and sustained vitality.
Pertinent to re-writing and in particular editing, the writer who moderates the mandatory extension of initial work will emerge with revitalized clarity and consistent resolve. The challenges of re-entering landscapes recorded earlier in the writing process can be a easy source of frustration. This is not always a straightforward re-engagement and if forced, may result in shallow or unsatisfactory elaboration.
Once again: be gentle, be patient in the demanding of further detail from a busy imagination. Entitlement will likely result in egress.
Oh! How we do feel as we write. So many moods, so much proxy emotion passes through that whirling mind. It can be exhilarating; it can be arresting. Looping.
The estimation of current ability will surely migrate through a dazzling range of potentialities and great effort must be exercised if we wish to sustain lucidity and the keenness of focus required for clear and comprehensive emotionalism.
Finding methods to release the conjured emotions and imported feelings will help the conscious will and activated imagination to sustain their delicate balance.
So many writers riding the waves of imaginary action - how are we not to be overcome by the source of these potent influences? By taking action to release currents of feeling, we shall be caring for our own mental health and also for the purity of intention we wish to establish within the perimeters of fictional characters. It will be through conscious maintenance of these potent, inter-changing emotions that shall ensure respectful communion with the sacred muse who illuminates the intoxication ambitions of an uncultivated mind.
{All images from 'Aurora Consurgens'}